Friday, February 27, 2009

Where God closes a door, somewhere He opens a window

Okay. For the rest of 2009, I rule that the family drama be kept at a minimum. It seems like it's been months since we've been truly out of the woods. Since Justin got diagnosed, it seems like it's been one thing after another. I'm hoping it will be smooth sailing for the next few months. I know God presents these situations to better us and that we should praise Him in the storm. I get that part. I believe that part. I just think my family needs a little breather. We need a break. That's not too much to ask, is it? ... Look at me. Here I am complaining when there are people in this world dealing with much harder stuff. My aunt's friend just found out she has terminal cancer, just days after her mother died. My cousin and her husband are facing a setback in their adoption process. The drama my family is dealing with is nowhere near that extreme. Okay, yes, my mom's thing could have been bad if they hadn't caught it. But they did and she's fine. And Justin's health is major, but he's got it under control and he's doing really well. Our issues are things that can be fixed. We have nothing to complain about. We have a wonderful Savior who loves us and carries us through the hardships. And we have each other. That's one thing I've learned a lot about recently, my family. I have the greatest family in the world. My family members are some of my favorite people in the world. My immediate family has always been close, but lately I've gotten a lot closer to some of my cousins. Cousins I thought I had nothing in common with are suddenly people I communicate with in one way or another every day. I used to go weeks without seeing them and now I have withdrawals. You know the saying: "Where God closes a door, somewhere He opens a window"? I think that applies to my life these past few months. Yes, God has tried my family a lot, but He has brought us each other. And for that, I think it was worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Think of Job... but instead, He said, "consider my servants the Greenways!" He knows you are faithful and Satan is going to try all that he can to bring you down!!! Keep the faith... Because of Who He Is!!! :)
