Tuesday, December 30, 2008

In Limbo

So I got some pretty crappy news at the beginning of November. I missed the deadline for an important test and it just may cost me an entire semester. It was a huge blow to my educational future. I graduated from high school in 2002. Tomorrow it will be 2009. I should have graduated from college three years ago. It's kind of embarrassing to still be working on it. Granted some of the circumstances were beyond my control. I've had knee surgery twice that kept me down for two whole semesters. It just...it's so close. Only a few more semesters and I'm done. I can finally move on with my life. And then I found out about the missed deadline. It was the only thing missing from my application to the Teacher Education program. And that one little test grade cost me in a major way. It wasn't something I could have helped. At the time of the deadline, my brother was having health issues and I was wrapped up in family drama. I've filed an appeal, but there's no guarantee it will work. I got a letter the other day that basically told me not to hold my breath. So for the next few weeks, I'm in limbo, which isn't a place I'm thrilled to be. I hate that I don't know what I'm taking next semester. Ask anyone who knows me and they can attest to how organized I like to be. I'm just so very ready to be finished. I'm ready to move on with the next part of my life. I feel so stuck. I can't move on until I get my degree. I can't get my degree until this matter is cleared up. Ugh. I know that God has a reason for all of this. He's crafting my life in His own way and He will make my paths straight. It's just hard to keep a smile on my face when what I want falls just beyond my reach. I just have to keep faith. The Lord never promised life would be easy. He only said we wouldn't have to do it alone. So while everyone has their problems, God promised He would never leave us or forsake us. That's the promise I have to cling to.


  1. Er, I am so glad you decided to do this blog. There is so much substance to you that not many people are privileged to know. Substance like how much you love your family, how you cry at movies about the human spirit, the love you have for Jesus and that you want to be a mommy someday soon. you will find your way if you let go and let God get you there. listen to His voice.........i love you! Mom

  2. Your mom is exactly right... and so are you. Everything that happens, happens because that's the way God wants it. There is some reason that it has taken you this long with your school. Maybe, God kept you in school because of all of the "drama" that you and your family have gone through. Maybe He knew that they would need you there more than you needed to be out of school on your time schedule. Whatever the reasons... there's no maybe to it... He knew EXACTLY what He was doing and still does. Keep seeking Him... He will guide you in the way that He wants you to go.
